How NOT To Shoot a Revolver

How NOT To Shoot a Revolver

If you value your skin, be sure to hold a revolver correctly! :-) Also, for the person or two who keep trying to repost the same goofy comment, anybody who cannot see that the paper is cut at the cylinder gap, please "rewind" the video and watch a few hundred times. :-) Of course, the muzzle blast has some effect on the paper, too, but the point is that the paper is cut back at the cylinder gap. Where is Homer Simpson when I need him? :-)
Revolver Baby! #TheresOnlyOneQueenAndThatsMadonnaBITCH #MDNANYC2

odio todo lo que empieza con "Tipico" ¬¬

@grahamcoxon "Revolver" or "Sgt. Pepper"? haha

Huh ?“@Hot___Revolver: nollywood will be the downfall of Nigeria”

Just sat through watching #skyfall with about 30 hyped up German kids... Q hand me the revolver!!

RT @Villamorra: Un día un grupo de rock nacional decide hacer un concierto en la chacarita "Un Revolver en la Chaca" próximamente http:/ ...

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