THX 1138: Comparison between Original version and Director's Cut
George Lucas made THX 1138 in 1971. When the movie was released on DVD in 2004, he decided to make a few changes. Here are a few examples of changes and CGI additions made to the movie in the 2004 Director's Cut.
Stray Cats - Rockabilly Rules (Live In Paris)
Recorded live during one of the Stray Cats many Paris gigs. (Sorry for the Jap subtitles!)This Video is dedicated to my very good friend rockabillyrules (Thank You!!)
雪のわすれもの ( NHK みんなのうた ) / takimari
作詞:小沢章友 作曲:中村勝彦 歌:大竹しのぶ歌ってみたい方、メロディ譜・コード、ここにあります。