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The First Forty-Nine Stories
As long as we live in a society, we have to repress instincts, desires, day-dreams, call them what you like, and human nature being what it is, we cannot keep them to ourselves forever, and so we must provide a vent for those feelings to get rid of the compulsion to give them the further release of action. In the case of writers, their vent is in their works themselves, and in that sense, writers, on the whole, are to a greater or less extent exhibitionists. In fact, one may safely say that it is not much of a writer who cannot reveal the innermost part of his heart, because unless we are perfect idiots, we are well aware how much there is in our heart that is unreliable and so we are inclined to read books to discover some hint that may help to elucidate the mystery of our heart.‘In another country’ is a short novel in which Hemingway revealed his weakness. It is especially emotional because the confession was made by a man who had been regarded as one of the most courageous men ever lived. Oh, he was a man just like us!“I was very afraid to die, and often lay in bed at night by myself, afraid to die and wondering how I would be when I went back to the front again.”'The Sun Also Rises' and 'A Farewell to Arms' inspire me with esteem, but this confession in this short story arouses in me a warmer feeling. Reading this sentence, my feelings towards Hemingway underwent a very favorable turn.
The First Forty-Nine Stories 関連情報
The Very Hungry Caterpillar: board book & CD
The Very Hungry Caterpillar: board book & CD 関連情報
EPSON ELPLP54 プロジェクター交換用ランプ(汎用) エプソンEB-W8 / EB-X8 / EB-S8用 【並行輸入品】
EPSON ELPLP54 プロジェクター交換用ランプ(汎用) エプソンEB-W8 / EB-X8 / EB-S8用 【並行輸入品】 関連情報
世紀末の詩~The Last Song~ VOL.2 [VHS]
世紀末の詩~The Last Song~ VOL.2 [VHS] 関連情報