Diaper wearing hand rearing, bottle feeding 28 day old infant baby pet Owl / Night Monkey

Diaper wearing hand rearing, bottle feeding 28 day old infant baby pet Owl / Night Monkey

Zoological Wildlife Conservation Center www.Chasing-Tail.com Owl Monkeys are supposedly difficult to hand-rear. So I put some very serious thought and research in to it. You can see from the video, I don't have a fussy eater in my little Man. What this Owl Night Monkey grow up at www.chasing-tail.com
@Eugene_T00ms @Adam_Eckersley @seanmortdesign The suits are here! There's a 28day returns policy so they need to be tried on as soon as poss

RT @niyoola_: @Gbemisoke @greatise @Yamisoya u need 2 know when u OVULATE.everythn depends on it.I v 28day cycle,ovulate on day 10.day 7 ...

Amazing results, over 11inches in just 2 weeks.... Limited numbers on my 28day Remarkable Fat Loss Program sign up before 16th Nov...

@Gbemisoke @greatise @Yamisoya u need 2 know when u OVULATE.everythn depends on it.I v 28day cycle,ovulate on day 10.day 7-12 is fertile.

@mazkelly yes! starting that 28day plan Mon so spending the wk bulking up to make for more dramatic before & after pics ** #promwaddleSat **☀

@usana_nutrition @littlelegs1995 I need some of that then! Done the 28day reset, dropped 1.5stone. Recovering from acl reconstruction!

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