Jak X: Combat Racing Part 2# [Cutscenes]
One year after the events in Jak 3, Jak and Daxter take up professional racing in a place called Kras City. Joined by their old friends, they are summoned by a woman named Rayne, who is...Krew's daughter? She apologizes to them for her father's actions, and proposes a toast in his memory. She takes out an odd-looking wine bottle, which she said that Krew instructed in his will that his closest associates must drink. After they all take a glass, Rayne brings out a hologram projector, which broadcasts his last message to Jak and company. Krew announces that the wine they drank is poisoned, follow by a maniacal laugh. The only way they can get the antidote is to win Kras City's big vehicle race, in his honor. And so, Jak and Daxter, Ashelin, Torn, Keira, and Sig are pitted against each other in combat racing for the ultimate prize: their life.
[電撃ネットワーク] (ネタ-9) 『瞬間接着剤 手力男』
両手に瞬間接着剤。瞬間接着剤の限界と手の皮の限界に挑みます。 ギュウゾウ による 『瞬間接着剤 手力男』 です。 [HP] www.t-shock.com [動画Blog] ameblo.jp
キャスト達の好きなもの大発表!! テイルズオブジアビス ドラマCDⅡのボーナストラックですキャストルーク・フォン・ファブレ:鈴木千尋ティア・グランツ:ゆかなジェイド・カーティス:子安武人アニス・タトリン:桃井はるこガイ・セシル:松本保典ナタリア・ルツ・キムラスカ・ランバルディア:根谷美智子ミュウ:丸山美紀イオン:小林由美子ヴァン・グランツ:中田譲治黒獅子ラルゴ:玄田哲章魔弾のリグレット:伊藤美紀テオドーロ・グランツ:清川元夢ファブレ公爵:仲野 裕ペール:佐々木 睦ギィ:多田野曜平ジン:白熊寛嗣受付嬢:うえだ星子