四分衛-愛情夾在麵包裡詞/曲:陳如山甜言蜜語糖塞這空間緊皺眉頭想躲在月球後面以為這樣可以不面對鏡中的臉吃飽了狼狽想要嘔吐戲劇化情節不合就不要浪費時間愛情夾在麵包裡面或許這樣比較安全誰需要超廉價誓言其實我並不醬認為走進心情好便利商店寧願吃一碗泡麵未來存在著許多變卦情歌唱了一半便覺得肉麻你是烈焰我是冰霜感覺像是一本格林童話躺在救護車上面的擔架結局是奄奄一息呀! 愛情夾在麵包裡面或許這樣比較安全誰需要超廉價誓言其實我並不醬認為走進心情好便利商店寧願吃一碗泡麵誰用一把把銳利刀片誰用一把把銳利刀片把浪漫切割成細細的疲倦藏在王子的外套口袋還有公主生繡的皇冠Let's Go 愛情夾在麵包裡面或許這樣比較安全誰需要超廉價誓言其實我並不醬認為走進心情好便利商店寧願吃一碗泡麵
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Crest of the Stars - ENDING (Lafiel version)
This is the Lafiel version ending to the anime series Crest of the Stars(星界の紋章 / Seikai no Monshou) Crest of the Stars and Banner of the Stars (series I and II) follow Jinto Lynn (aka Ghintec Linn), a young noble whose world was taken over by a once human race of space inhabitants known as the Abh. When Jinto was a young boy, his father, Rock Lynn, under threat of invasion, handed over their world, Martine, to the Abh in exchange for a position within Abh nobility. The story of Crest of the Stars picks up as he meets the young, strong yet fragile Abh princess, Lafiel (aka Lamhirh). As Lafiel and Jinto travel to military school they become caught in the beginnings of the war between the Abh Empire & the Four Nations Alliance of humankind... Lucanaoe's NOTES: Young blossoming romance, submarine style spaceship battles, and cute elfen space princesses. Think "Wonder Years" minus the narration meets "Star Wars episode 3.5" meets "Laputa Castle in the Sky." This series/manga is not very well known due to it's cherishing pace & mature(but not explicit) nature. Make no mistake, it is an original story with excellent direction that brings subtle yet nostalgic memories of childhood. This is a thought provoking space saga with Japan-meets-West historical undertones. There's no animosity, gore, Emo-rage, overly-narrated action-moves, loss of innocense, dramedy, or psychadelic colors, so teenagers, you've been warned. Artist: TimeSlip Rendezvous Song: Ushinawareta Aozora (The ...
Iron Maiden - The Thin Line Between Love and Hate (lyrics)
I do not own anything from this video. This is for entertainment purposes. Lyrics: When a person turns to wrong Is it a want to be, belong? Part of things at any cost At what price a life is lost At what point do we begin Fighter spirit a will to win But what makes a man decide Take the wrong or righteous road There's a thin line between love and hate Wider divide that you can see between good and bad There's a grey place between black and white But everyone does have the right to Choose the path that he takes We all like to put the blame On society these things But what kind of good or bad A new generation brings Sometimes takes just more than that To survive be good at heart There is evil in some of us No matter what will never change I will hope My soul will fly So I will live forever Heart will die My soul will fly And I will live forever Just a few small tears between Someone happy and one sad Just a thin line drawn between Being a genius or insane At what age begin to learn Of which way out we will turn There's a long and winding road And the trail is there to burn There's a thin line between love and hate Wider divide that you can see between good and bad There's a grey place between black and white But everyone does have the right to Choose the path that he takes I will hope My soul will fly So I will live forever Heart will die My soul will fly And I will live forever The thin line between love and hate