ケロケロキングスーパーデラックス Extras: King , kero kin shopin , captain oinka etc

ケロケロキングスーパーデラックス Extras: King , kero kin shopin , captain oinka etc

Hello , This is a video of ケロケロキング スーパーデラックス our favourite game , but it isn't known , because there aren't any videos . There are extras we are unlock, you can unlock this extras easyly . These are the forms for unlock the extras: King , and his frog = Beat the full game Captain Oinka and his frog = Beat the full game Kero kin' Shoping= kero kin' shoping is a really good cheat, Kero Kin' shoping sold extras . For active Kero kin Shopping you have to talk With Nurupon (Sluggy) and press at once R2 and down , You have to introduce codes for unlock things in this pages are the codes: translate.google.es This is in japanase but , Here are the page in japanase translate in google translate . Go to Underhanded tricks and you will see all the codes . This is the page in japanese: jp.wazap.com One of the codes unlock Scrappy and Fly guy the red frog , and the black zombie frog Well these all the extras . I Wish you like it. When you introduce the codes for get the codes you have to do a battle and you will have are the things you buy . There are some codes there Aren't in the pages , but I introduce all the codes in the video , so you can see. Like this: This is a guide where are the bottlecaps , controls , and more things , you can see the bottlecaps here : www.gamefaqs.com Pickniwc's bottlecaps is unlocking defeat him in all 5 planets Mouth: Get all mouths in planet lavatron Black holes: Get all the Black holes in planet lavatron Cactus: Get all cactus in ...
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RT @takuwan_osho: ケロケロキング(2000年) #プレステ

ケロケロキング(2000年) #プレステ

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