Quiz: Who do you Love?

Quiz: Who do you Love?

Comment on this vid and tell me ur results, it doesn't always work but it's pretty fun, I got this off a website, (it's included in the vid) but anyways it's pretty fun!
RT @BrunoeGiba: O quiz comeca as 19hrs, lembrando que precisa me seguir e segui o @FC_Thaisa_Daher e vale um par de ingresso pra qualque ...

@envyMe_More we have a quiz in ms benns over that movie tomorrow

This is the call to arms. Gather soldiers, it's time to go to war! ...By that I mean I have a quiz soon.

Why do they have a quiz night at the gym. Old people smell sorry

Talkin smack at quiz bowl with @brenanimal and @greasypaws

@IAmMattKD have the handouts and notes no quiz

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