Dokuro-chan Turns Yoshida into a Dog

Dokuro-chan Turns Yoshida into a Dog

Dokuro-chan turns Yoshida into a shiba dog and the dog and monkey fight. This is one of the most hilarious scenes in Dokuro-chan! Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images or music in this video. All copyrights, if any, are held by the respective owners.
Tweetsrus/turban #welljel pdhbdhnjkd bdjk drinks wiv chan,linz,ja,ryan,chris,marc n t dog :D


For Christmas I really really want a dog

RT @HEARTTOKUSHIMA: Love chan is one lucky girl that had many people that lead her on her way to safety at HEART. A common feral dog... ...

@black_shiba_dog おかえりなさい。ご飯にします?お風呂にします?それとも、カードゲーム!しますぅ?…なーんて。

@missfors @Farpenoodle Shen Chan and his girl are sacred ok. Their bond is sealed through light sticks and a black dog.

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