The Miracles - Love Machine

The Miracles - Love Machine

Exciting news for everyone who's been asking where they can buy some of these videos in sharp DVD quality. Coming in November on DVD. "DON'T FORGET THE MOTORCITY". A three disc collection of 100 videos of the former classic artists of Motown. The Detroit Sound lives again. Released on Wienerworld - 19th November 2007. A wonderful three disc set of all the videos from the classic former Motown stars. Each disc contains thirty three/four songs at around three minutes something, per track. An approximate running time of almost two hours per disc. The selling point is the 100 songs. We have been systematically editing them over the last six months to promote my work on YouTube and MySpace and people have been begging for them on a DVD. Now this video is really special. I dreamed of getting the Miracles, Motown's first ever super group, back together, so we ended up recording this in three cities. Billy Griffin put down a guide vocal in London when he was there, then we went to Detroit and recorded original Miracle Bobby Roger's new Miracles line-up on it (the same line-up we used for the brilliant "Fun Time"). Then we took the tape to Los Angeles, and added Claudette Robinson to the backing vocals from Bobby Rogers' group. Then Billy resang the lead vocal, and of course he was the original writer and lead vocalist on the song. A very special and historic occasion, and the footage has remained unseen till now.
@kh0128 俺は昨日から、チ○コという名のLOVEマシーンを見るためのツールとしてツイッターを使う事にしたよ☆


RT @shigarson: 「日本の未来は~♪世界がうらやむ~♪」・・・・・桑田佳祐縛りでランダムに音楽流してたら桑田さんカバーした「LOVEマシーン」が流れてきてなんかすごく悲しくなった。


50のオバハンがLOVEマシーン熱唱なうΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

RT @shigarson: 「日本の未来は~♪世界がうらやむ~♪」・・・・・桑田佳祐縛りでランダムに音楽流してたら桑田さんカバーした「LOVEマシーン」が流れてきてなんかすごく悲しくなった。

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