karen dalton "Ribbon Bow"
Ribbon Bow I love this song. There isn't much video of Karen available so I patched some things together to make this strictly for entertainment. If you love it buy her albums.
WRC Onboards: Wales Rally GB 2011: Henning Solberg - SS14 Requested by Turini2
Henning Solberg takes on SS14 in the Wales Rally GB, requested by Turini2.
誘13 歲女裸私影前警員囚2.5 年
蘋果動新聞: hk.apple.nextmedia.com 【本報訊】擁大律師資格的前警員陳建力,利誘13 歲女童當私影模特兒在賓館拍裸照。他被捕後在保釋期間冒警,欲帶10 歲女童上天台搜身,幸女童機警逃脫。被告早前在區域法院認罪,法官游德康斥被告利用幼童弱點剝削她們,行為可恥,但相片及片段猥褻程度低,判入獄兩年半。 37 歲被告陳建力案發時為勞資審裁處調查主任。他承認利用兒童製作色情物品、製作及管有兒童色情物品、刑事恐嚇及冒警共五罪。
[Promo] The Tower of Druaga : the Aegis of Uruk
The Tower of Druaga: the Aegis of Uruk Watch the serie on Youtube with the Gonzo's official Channel ! www.youtube.com ドルアーガの塔 〜the Aegis of URUK〜 Promo clip 04/2008
北条時宗-平成いろは歌(Heisei Iroha Uta)サムライ12歌
In 2001: A Space Odyssey (novel), HAL said "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog". The sentence includes all 26 alphabets from A to Z. There are 46 characters in hiragana, which is the basic elements in Japanese. The "Heisei Iroha Uta"(平成いろは歌) includes all 46 hiragana. Furthermore it uses each only once. (still, for example, ば(ba)or ぱ(pa) can be used in place of は(ha)).現代かな46文字を全て、1文字1回のみ使用して創った歌が平成いろは歌です。サムライ(samurai)12歌のうち、今回は「北条時宗」を紹介します。作 桜井花山。メールirohauta@sakurai.name ホームページbeauty.geocities.jp