Mega Man Xtreme 2 OST, T20: Sigma Stages (Research Center) [Counter Hunter Stage 1 from Mega Man X2]
OST Name: Mega Man Xtreme 2 ~ Original Game Audio Composed & Arranged by: Toshio Kajino and Mitsuhiko Takano Originally Composed & Arranged by: Yuki Iwai Ripped by: ZekeLonewalker / PsychoZeke NOTE: Regardless if alterations are made or not, chiptune translations of already existing compositions are considered re-arranged pieces; remixes if new content not present in the original piece are incorporated. All Mega Man X / Rockman X material including but not limited to game, characters, images, and music are © Capcom Co., Ltd. No copyright infringements are intended. The sharing of VGM does not destroy the video game industry, as it does indeed help it grow.

IO DATAの外付けハードディスクを買ってきた
本日2回目の動画投稿です。今回はIO DATAのHDCR-U500を買ってきました。 ちょっとグダグダな所が多いですが気にしないでくださいwww このHDCR-U500についてはブログでも掲載してますのでぜひそちらもお越しください。 ブログサイト:ameblo.jp