9.HQ【Rostropovich】Bach:Cello Suites No.3:Prelude/Allemande/Courante
【BWV1009】Suiten für Violoncello solo / The Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello(Cello Suites) / 無伴奏チェロ組曲 @the Basilique Sainte Madeleine(1991) ✮ Мстислав Ростропович / Mstislav Rostropovich / ムスティスラフ・ロストロポーヴィチ 1927 - 2007 Azerbaijan→USA→Russia cellist conductor pianist ☤ Johann Sebastian Bach ヨハン・ゼバスティアン・バッハ 1685 - 1750 Germany ♚ Suiten für Violoncello solo / The Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello(Cello Suites) / 無伴奏チェロ組曲 : 1717 - 1723 ? ①BWV1007 ②BWV1008 ④BWV1010 ⑤BWV1011 ⑥BWV1012 ③Suite III C-Dur BWV 1009 Suite No. 3 in C major, BWV 1009 無伴奏チェロ組曲第3番ハ長調 BWV1009 [ The Prelude of this suite consists of an ABAC form, with A being a scale-based movement that eventually dissolves into an energetic arpeggio part; and B, where the cellist is introduced to thumb position, which is needed to reach the demanding chords. It then returns to the scale theme, and ends with a powerful and surprising chord movement. The Allemande is the only movement in the suites that has an up-beat consisting of three semiquavers instead of just one, which is the standard form. The second Bourrée, though in C minor, has a 2-flat (or G minor) key-signature. This notation, common in pre-Classical music, is sometimes known as a partial key-signature. The first and second Bourrée of the 3rd suite is sometimes used as solo material for other bass instruments such as tuba, euphonium, and trombone. ] ♞ 前奏曲(Praeludium / Prelude) 4分 ...
Sigur Ros - Viorar Vel Til Loftarasa - English subtitles
The award-winning music video Viorar Vel Til Loftarasa by Sigur Ros (2001). This translation is one of the context-based translations from Icelandic to English for maximum clarification.
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