Memories Off 2nd: Ikezawa Haruna
Special character video found in the "All About Memories Off 2nd" disk. Character song for Minami Tsubame. Starring Ikezawa Haruna.

http://www.ochabi.ac.jp/gakuin/ 2012年東京芸大に合格したデザイン科学生の石膏デッサンデモンストレーションです。[7年連続全国一位/芸大デザイン科合格者数]の御茶の水美術学院がお届けする動画です。

ショコラータ / Cioccolata - 猫じかけ / The Dancing Cat
Japanese quirk-pop. From "Cioccolata" (King Records, 1985)

Further up the road - Bobby bland
'Further up the road' by Bobby Bland. A tale of what goes around comes around. If ever a man had the wrong name it was Robert Bland 'cos bland he certainly w...