Naikaku Kenryoku Hanzai Kyousei Torishimarikan Zaizen Jotaro (Anime) Part 1

Naikaku Kenryoku Hanzai Kyousei Torishimarikan Zaizen Jotaro (Anime) Part 1

aka Government Crime Investigation Agent Jotaro Zaizen It's commonly grouped together with Gundoh Musashi as one of the worst animes in recent memory, and possibly of all time... Of course, most neglect to mention that this is going off of the first episode alone and not all eleven episodes. Once you get past that horrid first episode and start wtaching the rest, or at least what is fansubbed, then you can see that this show is actually fairly good and legitimately enjoyable. It's not a must-see by any means, and some just won't be able to get around the lower animation budget and use of cut-ins, but it is a show that is horridly insulted and unfairly put down... Hell, the website My Anime List has an average score of around 7.4 or so out of 10, so there's obviously others who feel the same way I do.
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