Dodge Charger 1968 blown hemi
this is Nick suckow's car in September 2008 before it was stolen. If you have any information about this dodge charger please let me know. Back in 1984, high-schooler Nick Suckow bought himself a '68 Dodge Charger. He was gonna fix it up and roar down the road. Nick was born a gearhead. A hot rod. From the first time he drove, he drove hard. The redline was always at hand. When he joined the Army out of high school and shipped to Germany he got hooked on the autobahn, where you could ease over to the left lane, stomp the foot-feed flat, and shoot, they just let you go. "Fast," Nick likes to say, "isn't the same as reckless." All that racing around, and then life served up a grim little joke: The day Nick Suckow wrecked - the day his life changed forever, the last day he ever stood on his own two feet - he was going 35 miles per hour with his seatbelt on. He'd been married two weeks. He and his wife were on their way home from their Wisconsin honeymoon, making the run back to Texas in Nick's Gran Prix. They were towing a rusted-out Ford Bronco - Nick always had his eye out for a cheap beater, and he had found one up north. On a rough stretch of road Nick crawled in the Bronco to keep it straight. The front tire hooked a pothole. The tie rod snapped. The seat belt broke. He landed in the ditch. The Bronco landed on his neck. Nick says he remembers the sun in his eyes. Then the darkness closing in. A lot of years, then. Hospitals. Home. Hospitals. The marriage ...
中野ブロードウェイにあるCDショップ<ショップ・メカノ>のCMソングを作りました。 初音ミクが3声で歌います。 メ メ メカノに メカノに おいでショップ・メカノは 楽しいよ
IS03 レビュー2
11月26日に発売されたis03のレビューです。 前回の動画の質問に答える動画です。 説明にもたつきがありますがよろしくお願いします。 見たい機能があったらコメント欄に書いてくださいtwitterにもis03について書きたいと思うのでよかったらフォローよろしくお願いします。「morittyo0818]
Lauryn Hill & her kids on the stage - "Moving Target" Tour at Honolulu, Hawaii
Lauryn brought her 2 daughters and son to the stage during "To Zion" song. Her son, Joshua, performed rap and dance on the stage!! (04/03/2011) 2011年4月3日、ハワイで行われたローリン・ヒルのライブで「To Zion」の歌の途中でローリンの子供達が登場!息子のジョシュアがラップとダンスを披露してくれました!