ペマ・ギャルポのつぶやき第13回はブータン王国と幸せの指標GNH(Gross National Happiness)について。国民の幸せが確保され、国民が満ち足りるためには何が必要か? これからの国際社会、アジアは? 日本は? ペマ・ギャルポ氏に聞きたいこと。ご質問はこちらのアドレスにお送り下さい。→ pema_gyalpo@rfuj.net ・テーマ曲 愛する父母よ DRENCHEN PHAMA(Beloved Parents) ソナム・ギャルモ「チベットからの歌声」より・ブログ「Professor PEMA News and Views ペマ・ギャルポ」 pemagyal.cocolog-nifty.com ・チベット文化研究会www16.ocn.ne.jp ・チベット自由人権日本100人委員会tibet100.jp RFUJ-ラジオフリーウイグルジャパンrfuj.net

愛のきずな 安倍律子 愛の劇場2.wmv
今晩は大豪寺虎男です。 愛の劇場楽しみっす。 それにしてもおせーな風祭右京も祐樹真吾も一条直也も。 今日は高原ミキんちでインベーダーゲームやるんすよ。 じゃあまた。

Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc
Song: Feel Good Inc. By: Gorillaz Album: Demon Days Notice: THIS IS NOT A MV OF THE SONG.

JFL Hidden Camera Pranks & Gags: Crazy Grandma, Crazy Photos
www.hahaha.com. With a flash, the invisible husband becomes visible. Surely there must be an explanation. A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags Visit us at http Friend us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com

How It's Made-Mascots
Today they will show you how they make Mascots! The term mascot -- defined as a term for any person, animal, or object thought to bring luck[1] -- colloquially includes anything used to represent a group with a common public identity, such as a school, professional sports team, society, military unit, or brand name. Mascots are also used as fictional spokespeople for consumer products, such as the rabbit used in advertising and marketing for the General Mills brand of breakfast cereal, Trix. In the world of sports, team mascots are often confused with team nicknames[2]. While the two can be interchangeable, they are not always the same. For example, the athletic teams of the University of Tennessee are nicknamed the Volunteers, while their mascot is a dog named Smokey. Team mascots may take the form of a logo, person, live animal, inanimate object or a costumed character, and often appear at team matches and other related events. Since the mid-20th century, costumed characters have provided teams with an opportunity to choose a fantasy creature as their mascot, as is the case with the Philadelphia Phillies' mascot, the Phillie Phanatic. Costumed mascots are commonplace, and are regularly used as goodwill ambassadors in the community for their team, company, or organization. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!!!

レイジレーサー クラス5をG4車で Part 1
主な条件や備考は以下のとおり・GP EXTRA RAGE GP ・使用車AGE ABEILLE GRADE4 ・MT限定 ブロック&ブレーキ発進禁止*MTなので、壁打ちやSUD加速は当然使えません。 敵車の後ろについているのは、スリップストリーム効果で最高速度 が2kmhあがるからです。