Tour-P feat. Gakupo Kamui - Janome Tricker (Sub English).mp4

Tour-P feat. Gakupo Kamui - Janome Tricker (Sub English).mp4

Original Song and Picture by Tour-P (You-co): www.nicovideo.jp Mp3: piapro.jp Blog: youco119.blog86.fc2.com This translation was uploaded with TourP's permission -- Hard subs, yay! I don't know to make this type of subtitles, but gustavinho256 did the honors. Don't get too used to this fanciness though; I just wanted hard subs for this video since TourP used such a stylish approach. At least with this nobody will have sub related issues. Though it worries me how annoying it will be to fix if I made a mistake somewhere... A couple of things: Geta: Japanese wooden shoes, kind of like flip-flops. Teru bozu: little doll-like things Japanese kids hang on rainy days, asking for the rain to stop. Frogs and snakes are natural enemies. The stare of the snake paralyzes the frogs. -- Handsome appearance, irreproachable conduct Kind, intellectual, great. The man the rumors described as such had a small quirk. In rainy days And sunny days Every single day He carried an umbrella with a snake eye design. As though to hide himself.) Snake Eye Tricker Today again the snake eye umbrella appears It protects me from painful looks! Kicking the geta biting at my feet "Be sunny tomorrow", that's my pacifism Don't look at me, don't look at me You are mistaken, mistaken I'm not that great of a guy I don't know what to do Smiling faces where "lies" are written The snake eye seems to block them, the snake eye umbrella Putting on airs and turning around and around My umbrella won't turn into a ...
そういえば「世界の駄っ作機 蛇の目の花園2」の冒頭で、ハセガワの社長さんが「申し訳ない。売れる見込みがたたないので難しい・・・」と書いてらしたな。そこをなんとか。

@yuki_orange そう、目が命なの。蛇の目。け

@halhal411 蛇の目がひかっている!

雨雨降れ降れ母さんが~ 蛇の目でお迎えうれしいな~ ピッチピッチチャップチャップランランラン♪

セクピスパロで私が一番お気に入りの人は真ちゃんが蛇の目で高尾ちゃんが翼手やからなあ。うへへ。そんなときに授業で爬虫類から一部鳥になったって言われたらね…。たまんないね…。種族は違うくなるけど変温動物の仲間を温めるために進化したの??ねえ?? とびたーちたくなるってー♪ぐへへへ


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