IGN News - Assassin's Creed III Dev: "Triple-A Games Dying Out"

IGN News - Assassin's Creed III Dev: "Triple-A Games Dying Out"

IGN News: Assassin's Creed III Dev: "Triple-A Games Dying Out" The game's creative director has said that it's "the last of the dinosaurs" as games that require large teams are becoming a thing of the past. Subscribe to IGN's channel for reviews, news, and all things gaming: www.youtube.com Subscribe to our gameplay channel for walkthroughs, guides, and gameplay videos www.youtube.com TAGS: assasins creed developer "breaking news" news "xbox 360" "assassins creed iii" games "playstation 3" pc "wii u" "ign news" ign ignentertainment games gaming "video games" gameplay hd official 2012 "video game"
RT @WindhorstESPN: According to @CoupNBA LeBron has been just 2 rebs or 2 asst shy of a triple double (as he was last nite) 75 times in ...

@misantapeluca @hrovne I-S-Triple A-C lo resuelve. ¿Te va?

Realmente hoy he estado liadísima y ahora al llegar a casa será el triple. ¡Vamos Angeleeeta!

This girl has a triple chin! #Gross

Hoy voy a dar un triple a nombre de mis 16!

@Christybuscus @Catz_Payne hahhahaha. Let's for a triple. I'll ask laura too

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