HG Nuzlocke: Elite 4 CHAMPION

HG Nuzlocke: Elite 4 CHAMPION

Wow. Looks like this was a lot harder than I expected. Sub my backup channel: www.youtube.com Click here for every other video in the series: www.youtube.com Click here for my whole Emerald Randomizer nuzlocke: www.youtube.com Check out my Pokemon Diamond LP (it was rad) www.youtube.com Nuzlocke RULES!: 1.Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released. 2.The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. 3.All pokemon must be nicknamed something awesome so if he dies, Haydunn gets sad. Like my facebook to stay updated on special shit: www.facebook.com Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com check these out: haydunn.spreadshirt.com
Perlu ka hg nak like semua komen dia wei? Macam terkongkong je.. Jgn nak show off sgt la.

@SyieraOsman A...haha..bpa pointer hg..?

@madeline0510 hahaha #CVA aunque sea un viejo? nooo

@Yaya_HG Jajajajajajajaja no se #CVA pero diablooo!!!! ese perfume lo comprare para echarlo en mi cama!

I fckz wid my niqqas HG B.O.B tha loonnnnq ways ! We all goin Dumbwayz

Eh , sapa cakap aku tak syg hg hah ?

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