Grind Time Now Presents: AB Hogish Vs. QP

Grind Time Now Presents: AB Hogish Vs. QP

Battle from GTN's "Battle of LA 4"
RT @selenagomez: Many of you have asked me where you can find the Case-Mate Tortoise Shell cases - they’re at Best Buy! Which one... htt ...

Aduh ada org ja ba sewot pa Qta dank tohh bebee..." @feybe_miracle: @ShyessyLie86 qp marah2 mace???"

@Haru_y0127 じゃあずっと…♡普段は天使やけどねっ♪笑 ちいたんも堕天使なるって//w

RT @selenagomez: Many of you have asked me where you can find the Case-Mate Tortoise Shell cases - they’re at Best Buy! Which one... htt ...

@numa900928 はいはい、おこちゃm

@yakutatatata どんな病気なんですか?名前はかなりヤバそうなんですけどw

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Lucy Liu
